Thursday, May 25, 2006


But not in the dirty way.

My bottom two wisdom teeth have been coming in for some time now, and thanks to a lack of health insurance, I've sort of been taking the pray-every-night-that-they-just-magically-go-away route.

Point is, they hurt like ten bitches in a bitch boat. One has managed to bust its way through the tender flesh of my gums, while the other is swelling in an attempt to do the same. I'm acting like a teething baby, crying and whining at every given opportunity.

Do you think it's acceptable to be clutching a frozen teething ring in my mouth at work during business hours? Or better yet, to keep a bottle of whiskey in my bottom desk drawer and continually rub 'the good stuff' all over my gums? I mean, seriously, what happened to the days when everyone had whiskey in their desks at work? I like whiskey. I like it more than I like most foods... and come to think of it, most people.

That's it. I am officially becoming a 55 year old businessman, circa 1965. If anyone wants a little nip, you know where to find my cubicle.


Anonymous said...

I hate whiskey, but I'm with you, I like whiskey more then I like most people.

Anonymous said...


im officially writing this from my new office...i started with a cubicle but i was sharing it with the part time accountant who showed up now its just me in an actual office, kind of weird considering i have nothing to do, but i feel professional none the less.

anyway - i was hoping you still had a copy of the mt lebo top 25...if so can you send it to me? its very important i find out who gives the best head and has the best coke in mt lebo.



k_maxi said...

no problem, a-leb. it's already in your inbox. anyone else want it? it's really pretty hilarious.

actually, i know some of you want it, because i get like 15 hits a day from people who have googled "mt. lebanon top 25 list"

Anonymous said...

Do you still have that Top 25 list? I'd be interested in seeing it if you were willing to share it. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

hey, do you still have the top 25 list? thanks.