Thursday, April 26, 2007

Sock Controversy

It is baseball season, and I love baseball season. You know this.
This post, however, is not about the Pirates, although I did want to mention that Robbo and I went to our first game of the season this week, and I decided that I’m going to start selling t-shirts that say CAMP RONNY after my boy Ronny Paulino. But that’s neither here nor there.

This post is about the Curt-Schilling-Red-Sox-announcer-bloody-sock controversy. In case you’re not a sports geek, here’s a little background. During Game 6 of the 2004 American League championship series, there was blood visible on pitcher Curt Schilling’s sock. He’d injured a tendon in his ankle and required sutures to hold the thing together so he could pitch that night. The bloody sock became famous—a testament to the “Davids” of the world (the Sox) going up against the “Goliaths” (the Yankees) and doing it with heart. The bloody sock is actually in the MLB Hall of Fame.

Last night, Orioles announcer Gary Thorne, who also does nationally syndicated work for ESPN, said that Red Sox catcher Dave Mirabelli told him the blood was fake, that it was done for publicity (as if the Red Sox needed more publicity during the 2004 postseason?) Mirabelli denies this, of course, and now NO ONE IS SURE IF THE BLOOD WAS REAL!!!11!!1!

Um, okay. Not to bring down the party, but look at this—the sock in question:

I’ve had worse shaving injuries than that.

Anyway, the Pirates are rightthissecond up 5-1 in the bottom of the 8th and about to sweep the Astros for the second time this year, and to that I say HEEEYY YOOOO BUCCOOOOOOOOOOS!!!!!

Also. This is my 100th post to this blog. Thanks for sticking around!

1 comment:

JulieGong said...

I cried a little during game six.

I also cried when Dave Roberts stole second base.

I am a dork.

Let's go Bucs!