Thursday, June 15, 2006

I Don't Know What's Wrong With Me.


Here's what's up: I've never been one for stealing. Somehow I missed out on the whole "shoplifting makes you cool" pre-adolescent rite of passage. I never participated. [On a side note: do you think it's possible that this is why I am so uncool now?] I don't like borrowing things from people because I get nervous until said object is safely returned. I even get anxious about renting movies, for Christ's sake. Point is, I'm uncomfortable possessing something that is not explicitly mine.

This is why I find it so strange that every time I know I'm leaving a job, I get inexplicably overwhelmed by urges to steal office supplies. My last job, it was a box of overhead transparencies, highlighters, and Post-it notes. The one before, a fancy-girl pen, all the mints from the candy dish, and a magnet. Before that, a box of paper clips and some file folders. I know, what the fuck? What do I need file folders for? Nothing. I threw them away. [Side note number 2: Please don't judge how many jobs I've had. I'm a perpetual temp.]

I'm know that admitting you have a problem is the first step to solving the problem. I know this, and I've admitted my problem. Publicly! But yesterday, there I was, sticking a package of AAA batteries into my bag. I've been eyeing up the cabinet of coffee mugs with the law firm's logo printed on them. I'm trying to think of a use for a box of carbon paper. I mean, ideally I'd like to make off with a typewriter, but I think I'd probably get caught on the way to the bus stop.

Why is this happening? Psychologically, something is not right here.
Somebody, please.

Help me.


paul said...

Dude, stealing office supplies is the best thing ever. Fuck 'em. I gangstered a sweet tape dispenser from my last job.

Anonymous said...

I think you want to steal the office supplies because you know they're better then you.
Even the office supplies don't get fired before you.
On a side note, I'm just kidding, I've been pissy all day due to work related stuff.